LilyAnne's and the Hartlpeool Health and Wellbeing Alliance came together as an emergency response to people locally who had take their lifes.
Sadly locally people who are no longer with us did not reach out to anyone for support, for one of two reasons.

They did not know support was available or because they didn't want to access support.
So together we created a card, added some support services locally, advice on what todo if your in a crisis or struggling with your mental health and added a positive quote.
Volunteers have covered hundreds of thousands of steps locally placing the cards everywhere.

The community response has been fantastic and it’s great to see many community organisations pulling together, to support those who really need our support.
The front of the card says "You can start by saying i'm really struggling can i talk to someone".
The cards read "Before you do something you can't UNDO" and then shows a positive quote written by someone who has needed support, or a young person.
Then details are listed on the left side of what todo if you are in immediate danger, and then lists details of the Samaritans and on the right information is listed about Shout a free 24 hour text service for people who feel they cannot talk on the phone or face to face but could feel like they could message.
A QR Code is listed and then a link to the support page that the QR Code would link a person too.

Local help is available and can be reached by visiting