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We Listen: The community comes together to support others.

A new group has formed which was created from a conversation between Trevor & Alec, the new group is called We Listen and has already attracted 25 amazing volunteers from across the local community.

The We Listen Team is growing and we are all taking time out of their lives with one aim to support others.

Enough is Enough, sadly too many young men have tragically died in Hartlepool.

Too many people locally are taking there life because they think their life is over, it isnt,

Too many people don’t want to burden anyone else with how they are feeling because they feel they cannot talk.

Too many people are taking their own life because they feel they had no where to turn, because they didn’t know what support was there.

Too many people have felt alone, and not wanting to pass their troubles on to anyone else.

Too many people right here in Hartlepool are not here today because they ended their life.

We need to talk & together we will listen. Behind the scenes we’ve been talking how we do more to support people and their mental health for a while, and how we can do something.

Together Trevor Sherwood & Alexander Gray will be launching a project to be able to support people in Hartlepool called We Listen

We’ll be encouraging people to reach out and get support, and access Minds For Men Wellness For Women & Let's Connect if they are over 18.

We need to talk about mental health, we need to come together and support our community, we need to be the difference and support our young lads.

Our thoughts are with the family and friends of every young lad locally in Hartlepool who is no longer here.

Let’s spread the word. Locally it is ok to talk.

We Listen takes place every Monday night 6.30pm till 8.30pm at LilyAnne's, it's a place to come and be listened to or have a chat, play games, read a book or enjoy a coffee. A second group also meets at The Pot House on the Headland on a Monday night 6.30pm until 8.30pm, pop in grab a tea or coffee and speak to the We Listen team of volunteers.



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