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Let’s Talk Loneliness - LilyAnne’s to distribute hampers to support those who are socially isolated.

Feeling lonely or disconnected is a natural reaction to the current coronavirus pandemic, because socially we are being told we need to stay away from each other and to avoid social contact, This isn’t easy for people.

But it’s vitality important that you don’t blame yourself for these feelings of loneliness because the current restrictions will make us feel this way. Which is why LilyAnne’s C.I.C is looking to support members of our community who are living alone and without a support bubble who may be feeling this way.

We will be distributing social companionship first aide packs which will reduce the associated feelings of loneliness and aim to improve the wellbeing during the national lockdown.

The last week of January is the hardest for most, because Christmas bills start hitting the door matt, people have the least amount of money this added to the national coronavirus lockdown will increase the levels of isolation and mental health thoughts which is why we’ll be sending out 100 hampers to those within our community who are isolated and could simple do with some cheering up to know that members of the community are thinking of them, support is available and that they are not alone.

LilyAnne's Top three tips to reduce feelings of loneliness

  • Talk to your family and friends this can make a big difference, simply talking on the phone or video chat can avoid or reduce the feelings of loneliness. Talking to each other helps us stay connected.

  • Drop a text or an email to your friends to strike up a conversation. If you have lost touch with a friend this could be a good way to reconnect and chat with each other.

  • When you talking to someone by have no idea what to say think about mutual interests, maybe watch the same tv show or movie and talk about it. another great way would be to play online games or quizzes.

About LilyAnne’s

LilyAnne’s CIC offers a real sense of community and belonging, many people who visit LilyAnne’s leave not knowing they’ve just been into a community cafe, this is because it is located within a busy town centre location and we have adapted an approach where we don’t look or feel like a community cafe.

Lots of people will not know that a lot of invisible but meaningful work is happening around them that support those who are suffering social isolation, loneliness, anxiety and reduced feelings of mental health to create positive wellbeing, friendship and companionship.

All the profits from the food and coffee sold within LilyAnne’s is reinvested back into the community to support our main mission. LilyAnne’s works with lots of groups across Hartlepool to identify people who need our support and our team are trained to identify people within the customer service stages when they order a coffee if they require our support, But not everyone who comes in and leaves knows they’ve just visited a community cafe.

National Lockdown.

As Hartlepool is currently in the third national lockdown, LilyAnne’s is focusing on talking about loneliness and supporting those within our community who are suffering during the lockdown.

Trevor Sherwood Said “We wanted to create a way of showing members of our community that we care and that we are thinking of them while we are within the lockdown, by providing small packs that will help improve the mental well-being of those who are social isolated.”

“The last week of January is the hardest for most, because Christmas bills start hitting the door matt, people have the least amount of money this added to the national coronavirus lockdown will increase the levels of isolation and mental health thoughts which is why we’ll be sending out 100 hampers to those within our community who are isolated and could simple do with some cheering up to know that members of the community are thinking of them, support is available and that they are not alone.

Thanks to the support of the National campaign Let’s Talk Loneliness the Department of Digital Culture, Media and Sport in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund has providing funding to create 100 mental health and well-being packs for those living within Hartlepool.

Trevor added “our mission in Hartlepool is to create companionship and reduce the feeling of loneliness, The Covid-19 pandemic has show us the importance of being able to meet and socialise and the impact this has on positive wellbeing.

During December LilyAnne’s also shared a number of hampers with local Armed Forces Veterans community within Hartlepool, to simply show the community we are still thinking of them despite them being unable to meet within our community space due to current national restrictions.

LilyAnne’s will be soon announcing a project that will support members of our community back into the community once the national restrictions have eased and it is safe to meet in community spaces again.

LilyAnne’s is complementing and supportive of all third sector groups within Hartlepool and are looking to develop partnerships & relationships which will benefit and provide better support for our Hartlepool community.

LilyAnne's Wellbeing is a registered charity (1204878) Titan House, Hartlepool TS26 9HL TEL. 01429 728040

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LilyAnne's Wellbeing Accredited Counselling Service
ACCPH Organisational Member - LilyAnne's Wellbeing
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