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Forget Me Not Coffee Morning launches to help you meet new people and new friends.

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

LilyAnne's Coffee Bar is welcoming people to our new forget me not coffee morning to help reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation by creating an opportunity to meet some new people and make some new friends.

The new coffee morning will be hosted within the coffee shop on Victoria Road in Hartlepool and will invite members of our community who are stuck in a rut who want to get out of the house and meet new people.

The group is new and is looking to create a space for people to get together and chat over a cupper enabling members of the community to have a place to go every Wednesday morning to meet new like minded people who are looking to meet others.

Trevor Sherwood of LilyAnne's said "We understand anxiety gets the better of some people which means you simply won't leave the house no matter how much you have mentally prepared yourself and have geared up for getting out"

"But we totally understand this and taking the small steps out of the house and into an understanding place can really help you, we have team members on hand to support and make you feel welcomed as you grow your confidence in stepping back out and supporting your own mental health one step at a time".

LilyAnne’s volunteer Brian Footit will be supporting with the running of The forget me not coffee morning is not just about people are looking for support it could be for people who simply want to meet with like minded friends over a coffee, bring some cross stitch, knitting or a book.

Forget me not is simply about creating a space to meet and make new friends once a week, We invite you to come along every Wednesday morning from 10am.

Trevor Sherwood added "The forget me not coffee morning is open to everyone, who simply wants to be able to talk to others over a cupper, these will be informal groups of people meeting within a coffee shop setting, we expect the people attending the coffee morning to start low as it slowly builds and develops into a Peer to Peer support and friendship group".

"We would hope that with enough support within the group we will be able to develop a workshop of activities and events away from the coffee shop and group away days to support and build those friendships.

Those that are unable to make the Forget Me Not Coffee Morning we do run the Chatty Cafe Scheme within the coffee shop with Chatter and Natter tables in place with tables that say it's a safe place to sit and talk to others.

Extra support available within the coffee shop

LilyAnne's is #notjustacoffee we are able to bring a multi level of partner support from across Hartlepool for those who need more than just a coffee.

We now have a varied level of support in place within the coffee shop to be able support those who really need it with our partners from behind the scenes which includes local mental health services referral roots, access to local welfare support, local support from our local social prescribers and link workers and various projects that we have running to support anxiety, mental health, looniness and social isolation.



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